Sunday, 7 April 2013

A week into Easter and Thing Central remains standing.... Result!

I'll admit it. I was wondering how we were going to survive two full weeks of a fully stocked Thing Central. I will admit that, one week in and I am not only surprised that the place is still standing, but also that I haven't yet had to enforce strict rationing measures upon the food supply (although, we are getting rather close to this eventuality).

On Sunday, we went to paternal Thing grandparents' house and all three Things played splendidly well with each other, whilst my mother-in-law taught me to knit. I can only knit long strips and squares.... But, ever the optimist, that means I can knit scarves and handkerchiefs.

On Monday we visited a friend. This was the only day there was a minor hiccup in Thing behaviour. They were playing nicely upstairs with friend's two children, Big J and little J, then there was a yell of 'help! Thing 2 is stuck!' ... It materialised that they had decided to play hide and seek and then had decided that fabric wardrobes would be a fabulous hiding place. Said fabric wardrobe had then collapsed, Thing 2 and all. New fabric wardrobe was broken, clothes were everywhere, I was mortified and Thing 1 remained proud that he'd been able to reach the zip to unzip the wardrobe in the first place. Needless to say, we made a quick getaway, me flushed beetroot and Thing 1 still chattering away about how tall he is.

Tuesday was dinosaur day at Thing Central. We made dinosaur booklets with glitter pictures and lift the flap dinosaur eggs. Then we made chocolate cornflake 'dinosaur nests'. I had three happy, chocolatey, glittery Things by the end of the day.

The rest of the week has been a mixture of pottering about and playing with toys. Although on Friday afternoon I did have the fabulous idea of sorting through summer clothes to assess what we already had for our June holiday to Cornwall and what would be needed.
This was all in all a terrible idea I will say in hindsight. Trying to sort through piles I clothes with three Things running riot? Honestly, within five minutes the entire house looked like Primark.... When there's a sale on! It was ridiculous! There were shorts hanging from lamps and swimming costumes on the door handles. It really did look as though the Cat in the hat had paid a visit and released those Things there and then. Lesson learnt. I shan't be doing that again.

Yesterday (Saturday) I threw all three Things outside to play in the sun. I put up the play tents they got for Christmas. Got out the little tykes cars. They upturned the cars and pretended they were houses, they sat in the tents, pretending they were cars (?!) ... Then, as I turned my back momentarily to sort some washing, they decided to dig in the mud. Thing 3 decided to eat the mud. I took them a tub of warm soapy water and asked them to wash their hands. They splashed and splished and filled the tub with stones.
At least they had fun although I was despairing.

Next week we have a treat planned. A trip to the zoo. I can't wait. I'm hoping that they'll all be one their best behaviour (the Things, not the animals) and that Thing 3 refrains as best she can from her current habit of growling at any creature smaller than a Labrador as barking at any bigger than that.
It is something to look forward to over the next two days, Although if I hear another rendition of 'nanna's taking us to the zoo on Tuesday', I may go spare!

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