Monday, 29 April 2013

Trams, Things and going underground

It was unanimously decided that, whilst in Llandudno, it was the prescribed law to visit the Great Orme at least once (and that you'd get AT LEAST 3 points from your being if you did - 3 added if you didn't - Thing 1).... So we did. Myself, three Things in tow.... Things' granny, grandad, two aunts, an uncle and 3 cousins.

We arrived at said tram (ridiculously tram- full) , purchased tickets (well, I didn't... I'm assuming that a sister or mother in law did .... Otherwise I'm a thieving criminal!). Do note, welsh police, I really did have tickets! (Or I hope my caring relatives did!).

We had a mini drama as I had to physically extract Thing 3 from her pushchair to get her onto the tram ... Then fold up said pushchair and wriggle my way on to the busy tram to find the rest of the family.

The tram ride was fun. The Things loved it. I did have to keep a check on Thing 1 who developed a habit of sticking his head out of the side rather a bit too far, and also on Thing 3 who would probably have jumped did I not have her in a bear hug. Thing 2 was being a girly girl and sitting with her glamorous hairdresser auntie, to whom she'd taken quite a shine.

We eventually reached the top and headed to the cafe for refreshments. A GIANT cookie per Thing, and teas an coffees all round for the grown ups.

The Things picked the smarties off the top of their cookies and then decided that they needed to visit the shop; where they gravitated towards oversized Biros.... I allowed Things 1 and 2 to have one each (I paid for these! Honest!) and convinced the Biro hugging Thing 3 that she would much prefer a fold up hairbrush.... I could pre-empt the state the hotel room walls may find themselves in, were I to allow a 1year old free reign of a biro!

It was then decided that Thing family would visit the Great Orme copper mines. Thing 1 was most excited about this fact and Things 2 and 3 soon caught on to the fact that they were embarking on an adventure.
The sun shone brightly; the heat was lovely; it actually felt like we were on set of 'The Flintstones'. The Things were so excited being in the mines. All three held tight to their hard hats (Things 1&2: red, Thing 3: pink) and made their way through the barely lit twists and turns that are the ancient mines. Thing 1 wondered about the fact he was under the ground. Thing 2 ran back and forth informing me she'd found rocks. Thing 3 ran her hands over the stone and occasionally stopped in order to lick it. We had fun!

We soon headed back to the hotel and I then left Thing dad with Things 1 and sleeping 3 and took Thing 2 out to browse the shops. We had been gone about 15 minutes before I received a phone call from Thing dad informing me that Thing 3 had awoken and was refusing to stop crying. We ran back and collected the crying Thing 3 and took her back out with us.

All too soon, it was time to return to the hotel and get ready for our evening meal. As it was Thing granny and Thing grandad's golden wedding anniversary, we had to get downstairs earlier than planned in order to place set and the like; not an easily planned feat with three Things to deal with! But, we managed, and it was a lovely evening, with beautiful food served in The Imperial Hotel's award winning restaurant, Chantrey's. I highly recommend it! Even the Things loved it and they are fussy eaters! (The free colouring books that they were given may have helped!). I have to admit, I did wolf my meal down as Thing 3 had decided to take mealtimes as the best time to cry and tant,until picked up and then practise the 'Thing fling' (pushing backwards in your arms and practically unbalancing you) until you walk around jiggling and rocking her about. Although, I can't complain too much, as her naughtiness did lead me to meet the manager of the hotel,who was most pleasant, introduced himself and asked after the 'Things'.

After coffee, we returned to the room, full and tired and sad that we were to leave for home the following day. ... At least we could get a good nights sleep in those lovely hotel beds....

1 comment:

  1. I went to Llandudno many years ago and loved it. Thanks for bringing me good memories! Really cute pics.
