Thursday, 11 April 2013

Chickenpox, chicken spots, dot-to-dots

'Mum! I've got chicken spots'
Thing 1, age 5

'Mummy! Thing 1's got dot-to-dots!'
Thing 2, age 3

This is how I was awoken this morning. I have never seen more pride in a small being as I saw in Thing 1 as he attempted to count his spots including those on his back. Thing 2 took over and announced that there was most definitely more than one hundred.... On his back alone. There wasn't .... At first count there were about 11 on his back. However, by the end of the day there were 42. That's not just a guess.... I was made to play 'count the spots' every hour or so.

Thing 2 has been persistently checking her own body and that of Thing 3 looking for chickenpox .... She's resigned herself that she will get them when she's "bigger" ... Now there's something to look forward to!

I on the other hand am hoping all hope that the girl Things get chickenpox this coming week.... Countdown to weekend away in Wales .... Twelve days .... They have to have it over and done with by then! We have FREE pool access!!!


  1. When I was living in London all my eldest class got it but her. I organized play dates all week as I wanted my girls to get it and just be over with it but still they didn't get it. Then we moved to Spain and here it is compulsory for all school kids to be vaccinated against it (something I so wish they wouldn't have forced us to do :() so I suppose chicken pox wasn't on my daughters destiny!

  2. I have been wishing it on them since Thing 1 started nursery... Hopefully the girls will get it now and then it's done with!
    Well, I never knew they operated compulsory vaccination for chickenpox in Spain! Thankyou for educating me! That's my learning of the day!
    Thankyou for taking the time to read and comment 😃 much appreciated
