Saturday, 30 March 2013

Easter fun and games, Gangnam Style

If I have learnt anything from this past week, it is that I am completely out of touch with modern music and that even though Thing Central isn't actually a cave somewhere on a secluded and cut off island with no electricity or newspapers, it may as well be.

Thursday was the last day of school before the Easter holidays began for Things 1 & 2. It was also the day that school asked for an inordinate amount of parental input.

Thursday was Easter bun day; our school has seemingly loads of these bun days; Halloween, valentines, summer....
When Thing 1 started in nursery class, I went all out for his first bun day. Making inventive 'honey and sunflower' buns and 'chocolate and peppermint' buns. My first attempt at making cupcakes from scratch and a rather tasty success if I do say so myself; 3 years on and with two Things now needing to take buns in on bun day, I finally cracked; Easter bun day? Easy-peasy chocolate cornflake nests will do the job!

But, as well as making buns for bun day, I was also tasked with making an Easter bonnet for Thing 1, with only a day and half notice. We managed it and he was pleased with it; that's what matters.

Now, this Easter bonnet was what led me to my discovery of how out of touch I am. Thursday morning was Thing 1's Easter extravaganza. A morning for parents to join their children at school and partake in Easter-y activities. This extravaganza was to begin with an Easter bonnet parade; the twist? The parents had to parade with their child's bonnet on their heads.... Luckily, some of the children didn't have their parents in attendance and so they were to wear their own bonnets, and my little saviour, Thing 1, was so desperate to wear his that he joined in the parade and I avoided having to prance around the hall in a too-small Easter bonnet with bunny ears and paperchain 'hair'. Mum friend wasn't so lucky, her child was quite happy to let her take part in the parade. The next surprise? The kids had chosen the music. Mum friend said; 'if it's 'Gangnam Style' I'm not doing it'. I looked blankly at her, like she was speaking a foreign language.

The music started, children and parents pranced and bounced around the hall, bonnets on heads. Fluffy chicks flying left right and centre, like yellow debris. Eggshells falling on the floor, bits of bonnets pinging off in all directions. I listened to the song. The first time I have ever heard it. Feeling a little bit mean as I had been continually lecturing Thing 1 for weeks for randomly shouting; 'heeyyyyy, sexy lady'; in my defence, I didn't know it was part of a song,I did think it was a bit inappropriate for a five year old to be saying and was sure that it couldn't have possibly come from school. I really must live a sheltered life!
The grin on his little face told me everything I needed to know; it was a massive Thing victory and an 'I told you so, mum' all in one go.

The morning was fun. We made lots of stuff. I will admit I perhaps got a little too excited about the prospect of making glittery bunny ears, and I did insist on wearing them as soon as they were made (and all the way back home, on my own).

When I got back, I promptly googled Gangnam Style. Apparently it's been around since about July 2012. And seemingly everyone and his hamster has made their own Gangnam style video/spoof or likewise. The more I saw the more perplexed I became as to how I had been completely bypassed by this seemingly very popular craze; and I actually still don't get it?
Alas, I'm off to listen to some Petula Clarke (google it), maybe a bit of Gene Pitney, then I'm going to do the Macarena (see, I was in touch with modern dance crazes last decade...) .....


  1. Brilliant creations :) Must admit I'm amazed/ mystified as to how the Gangnam Style phenomenon passed you by!

  2. The bit where I mentioned to my mum and she was fully aware of the entire Gangnam Style craze was the point where i have now decided i should tune in to a music channel every now and then! I can't believe how its passed me by
    either! From what I've since discovered it seems to
    have been a really big phenomenon....
