Friday, 22 March 2013

Chewing gum shapes

This morning we awoke to snow. Not a lot, not even a fine layer settled on the floor, but snow 'falling from the sky!' (Thing 2) , all the same. This was enough to ensure we had giddy Things.

This morning, I awoke to, albeit a little giddy, three VERY well behaved and organised Things.

Today we set off for school early.

And thank goodness we did! We had barely left the house when Thing 1 started his newfound favourite game; walking along, looking at the floor to see the splattered ancient chewing gum marking the pavements and working out what shape they look like. We had a moon, a pirate ship, a sheep, a spoon and a house shaped piece. To name but a few. The walk took forever. I had to keep yelling for him to keep up, whilst he responded about the 'awesome' shape he'd found this time.

When we finally got to school, Thing 3 wanted to stay at nursery and play with the toys. I manage to persuade her away from that and she decided to try her luck at removing children's names from the board. I told her no. She called me a 'bad baby' and then she sobbed and sulked all the way back to Thing Central.

Things' nanna called round with some craft stuff. Thing 3 yelled at her. Things' nanna left. Thing 3 yelled at me.

Thing 3 has gone for a nap. I'm being extremely quiet in the hope she'll have a good snooze and wake up in a much better mood.

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