Sunday, 24 February 2013

Things behaving badly

'These Things will not bite you.
They want to have fun.'

The cat in the hat, Dr Seuss, 1958

Thing 3 just bit Thing 1.... On the bottom. Thing 3 has just discovered that when she uses her teeth on other people's flesh, then 98% of the time, the 'victim' will emit a squeal or squeak of some description. This seemingly is a fun game of 'Thing entertainment'.
Poor Thing 1. He has also been subject to use as a chew toy by Thing 2 in the past. Although sometimes he has brought it on himself.

I remember a conversation that went something like this, when Thing 2 was probably of the age that Thing 3 is now;

Thing 1; 'muuuuummmmm! The baby is biting me!!!'

Me; 'well don't put your fingers in her mouth then... I've told you before'

Thing 1; 'I know. So I put my toes in her mouth and now she's biting them instead'

You see, I don't think you can ever teach a Thing.

Thing 2 was actually a bit of a pest for biting. She drew blood on me a couple of occasions. But at three years old, she is out of it... Now she goes around trying to lick people's faces.

Thing 1 was never a biter. But he was a hair puller. He also was a hair stroker. To settle himself to sleep he always wanted to play with hair, usually mine and whenever he was tired he'd play with the hair of whoever was nearest. Alas, his sweet habit also had a naughty side as when in a temper or not getting his own way, he was liable to pull hair in anger.
He's grown out of that now, I'm pleased to say. Now he just gives grumpy stares when you tell him no.

I hope Thing 3's biting habit doesn't last much longer.... Otherwise she may need to be muzzled. Looking at her sweet little smile you'd never know that she was perhaps plotting to bite your bum. I suggest never turning your back on her. Now you know. so if she gets you, then you can't say that you weren't pre-warned.

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