Yesterday was a day the Things had to be good,
A bus trip,big food shop, I knew that they would.
Thing 2 was a star, watched after Thing 3,
Whilst we did all that food shop, Thing 2,3 and me.
After we unpacked food and drink galore,
Things 1,2&3 took a seat on the floor,
Much happy for movie day, three of a kind,
Sat nicely and watched 'Hop' and then 'Megamind'.
Ate Special treat Easter eggs, only one pound!
Kept them still seated there, quiet on the ground,
Later on had a huge bubble bath and said;
'We Things love Thing mum, but now we're off to bed'
A poem by Things' mum, age unknown
The half term started positively enough. The Things being friends with one another. Now that is the kind of Thing behaviour I like!
Saturday began in a chaotic but pleasant fashion with Things happily removing every single play item from its home and turning the living room into something resembling ... Well, an explosion in Toys r' us, to put it bluntly. Saturday afternoon involved the Things descending on a friends' (little one, middle one and big one) house for baking fun and games. Which did keep them hugely entertained for a couple of hours. There's nothing quite like eating raw cookie dough and cake mix with friends ... I especially liked the part where Thing grandparents phoned up out of the blue to see whether Things 1 & 2 wanted to sleep over .... Yes! Yes, they definitely would, I said, without conferring with said Things first. So, upon returning to Thing central, 1 & 2 were duly packed and placed into grandparent taxi.
They returned reasonably late in the afternoon on Sunday, whereby, following squeaked greetings and flinging at them of her person by Thing 3, they pleasantly plonked themselves in front of a DVD whilst I continued with my cleaning frenzy.
Monday was a warm day. Things had been promised a picnic in the park. By time we had got ourselves organised it was getting on to 1pm and the Things were getting hungry. By the time we got to the park, the Things forgot their hunger as they were distracted by the shiny play equipment. They soon took to one particular piece of equipment.... A castle slide, where things 1 & 2 took turns to stand sentry at the top whilst the other went down the slide. I pretended I wasn't with them when they took to shouting at everyone; 'I'm the king of the castle, you're the dirty rascal'.
A mad rush back to Thing central ensued as I suddenly recalled we had to be back by 4pm as Thing 1 was being picked up to go and sleepover at the home of little one, middle one and big one. Thing 1 despatched and time to take Thing 2 for a haircut. By this point I was ready to flop onto the settee and sleep for a week, but alas, I'd promised 2 & 3 that they could make their own pizzas for tea. This wasn't as traumatic an experience as I anticipated. Thing 3 ate more of the toppings than she actually put on the pizza. But overall they had fun. It was time to call it a day when Thing 3 started licking the work surface.
I got the remaining two Things to bed and then was up until about 1am. This is where it started to go pear shaped. 2.50am and Thing 3 awoke, crying and inconsolable. I ended up hot footing it downstairs to the settee with her for fear that she'd wake Thing 2 and then if have two crying Things.
Thing 3 cried and winged until about 6:45. 7am my alarm went off. I actually resembled a zombie. 9am, on the dot, Thing 1 returned from his stay with little one, middle one and big one. Most refreshed and hyper. And I had to get organised to do a monthly food shop at the supermarket. Thing 1 said he'd stay at home with things' dad, who had conveniently picked that day to be poorly and so was only up to doing picking up duties. And so off I set with Things 2 & 3 and a walkie-talkie.
We walked into the village to get on a bus. Thing 3 was intrigued as she hasn't been on a bus since she was tiny in a pram. She explored four different seats before finding one to her liking next to the window, making herself comfortable by pressing her baby face up against the window and liking said window. All the while, Thing 2 was singing the wheels on the bus at ridiculous volumes. I couldn't wait to arrive at our destination and get off the bus. I was so eager to alight that I did so without the aforementioned walkie-talkie. Which I only realised after getting two Things across one road and half way across another. My wails of 'noooooo!' Mush have reverberated around the new town square and like a mad woman I dragged said Things back across said roads and ran like the wind back to the bus which I caught just as it was about to pull out ... The startled bus driver lady didn't have much choice as I jumped aboard and ran up the aisle, panting 'wallow-talkie'. It was sat on our recently departed seats happy as can be, I swear I saw a flash of disappointment cross its glowing screen as the realisation it wasn't off on a one walkie-talkie trek across Lancashire dawned on it.....
And that bus driver lady will be telling the tale for years of the day she was hijacked by Things accompanied by a demented looking woman with startled hair and crazy eyes.
* * *
The supermarket trip was, in comparison, a relatively somber affair. The girl Things behaved, the only hiccup being when Thing 2 insisted on hugging these hideous giant garden gnomes the supermarket had decided it a good idea to stock. I'm a little scared .... Strike that.... I'm a wee bit terrified of garden gnomes.... There's something in that joyous smile on their faces that I don't trust .... The second i turn my back on them I get the uneasy feeling they're about to run up and have a gnaw on my ankles ... These monstrosities currently stocked in the supermarket? Well, certainly they'd bite off your head! But Thing 2 liked them. And as long as they stay in the supermarket and not in my garden I can just about cope......
Things' dad picked us and the shopping up and then it was an epic task to unpack it all at Thing central. However the Things' good moods remained and they sat nicely and watched a DVD. Following a take- away tea ; by this time I was most definitely feeling that I'd been up since 3am; the Things had a lovely bubbly bath (Thing 3 screamed like she was being murdered as is the usual - the one water birth and the only one terrified of water) and went nicely to bed after a lovely dr seuss story to finish off the day; 'please remember the first of octember' .... Today we have an epic baking session planned .... Wish me luck!
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