Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Snowing cat litter, fooling thieves and why a 5 year olds potential career in politics shouldn't be underestimated

Two days ago, I was awoken by an excited Thing 1: 'mum! Look outside! It's snowing cat litter!'

I did indeed look outside and I will admit that the polystyrene looking beads of snow that were falling fast and furious from the wintry sky did also resemble 'cat litter'. I am forever amazed at the workings of the five year old male's brain.

The usual school run was also called for and so all three things found themselves layered up to practically motionless status and we set off a little earlier than usual to account for the usual delay caused by 'must touch snow' syndrome. (From the Things, not myself).
It was a good job that we left the house early as the journey to school took us practically twice as long as usual. This was due to Thing 1 walking backwards and forwards, zigzagging and circling in the snow ...... As we were getting to the critical stage of actually being late for school I eventually had to ask thing 1, rather exasperatedly, what on earth he was doing. The response I got? "If a thief decides to go to our house to steal all the toys, by following our tracks in the snow, now he will get really confused" - and what do you answer to that? Really, the workings of the five year old boys mind is a mystery to me!

Yesterday he found his 'bestest toy ever' on the walk home from school ... A little yellow plastic car with no wheels - obviously the lack of wheels had been the reason for its abandonment by its previous owner. Not so for Thing 1. Indeed, Thing 1 had found a 'hover car', something apparently lacking amongst his wide collection of toys and playthings. It's now sat pride of place on the toy shelf.

This morning he woke me at about 4am with what sounded like a pre-prepared political speech; 'why Is Cbeebies not on at this time? That is very silly! I know it's early but cbeebies is for the kids and I'm a kid. And even if only one kid is awake at this time, then they should be able to watch Cbeebies if they want to! I am a kid and Cbeebies is for kids' - good luck in taking that to parliament one day, Thing 1!

I would give anything to spend a day in his shoes, (as him, obviously. I wouldn't like to squeeze my stonking size five adult feet into his relatively small junior size 10's, I could imagine that would make for a rather uncomfortable day to say the least!), I'd love to have that imagination and see the world through Thing-tinted spectacles. Alas, until they invent a body switching machine I shall have to remain completely in the dark as to what actually goes on in his thought process. But he can keep me entertained all the way.

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