Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Baking up a storm, Thing style

At Thing central, in Rossendale heart,
Three little Things awoke with a start,
Today was the day to cook biscuits and cakes,
Brownies and cookies and all kinds of makes,
So what if its 4? so what if its dark?
This baking business is a no nonsense lark!
Lie-ins are for others, not Things' mum and Things,
And imagine the energy eating sugar snacks brings!
Into the kitchen to mix it all up,
Then whilst they are waiting, the Things read a book.
Ping goes the oven, the bakes are all done,
Time to add icing and frost every one.
Later we'll sit down, tea party of fun,
All of us, happy, three Things and Thing's mum.

A poem by Things' mum, age unknown

We spent the day in the kitchen. The things baked up a storm and by the end of the day we had;
• 12 raspberry and chocolate muffins
• 9 cookie dough chocolate brownies
• 12 heart cookies
• 15 shortbread dinosaurs and stars

It was fantastic! The Things were on their best behaviours, albeit totally hyper from the sugar rush that comes from licking out a bowl of vanilla cake mix, icing, chocolate brownie .....

We only stopped for lunch and a quick catch up on what was happening in cbeebies land (mr bloom and a veggie went for a walk somewhere and mr Tumble failed to actually tumble) .....

It wasn't until all the baking was done that things started to go sour between Thing 2 and Thing one;

Thing 1 pushed Thing 2, Thing 2 bit Thing 1. So Thing 1 thwacked Thing 2 in the eye, at which point Thing 2 scratched Thing 1.... All the while being cheered on by a highly entertained Thing 3.
I asked them to stop. I forced them apart. Thing 1 then hit Thing 2 again so I sent him to the naughty Thing step.
I left Things 2 and 3 infront of the telly whilst I went to check on dinner, when presently I was accosted by thing two... We had a conversation that went a little something like this;

Thing 2; 'mum, I've come out of the corner, I'm sorry'

Me; I didn't send you to the corner, sweetheart

Thing 2; 'I was naughty .... I sat in the other corner'

Me; you didn't need to though, princess

Thing 2; (shouting and feet stamping) 'I WAS NAUGHTY... I'M GOING BACK TO THE CORNER ..... ARGHHHHH!'

As you can imagine, bedtime couldn't some quickly enough! Things were best friends again, Thing's mum was frazzled and to top it all, Thing 2 chose 'fox in socks' As the bedtime story ..... Those familiar will understand why this brought further dread to my already aching head .... Those who don't understand, relish in your ignorance .... Lets just say, if a tweetle Beatle is battling with a paddle in a puddle in a bottle on a poodle eating noodles, near you, you may want to just look away now and pretend it never happened. I've yet to unknot my tongue.

At least the things had fun .... They made lots of treats. I am now wide awake at bedtime, but at least I have lots Of cake and sweet stuff to snack on!

And tomorrow is another day as they say .... Oh, indeed it is .... Tomorrow at Thing central is ARTS & CRAFTS Day. .......

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