Monday, 28 January 2013

Manic Mondays and how Thing 3 helped me file my tax return

some weeks I LOVE Mondays, other weeks I don't particular care for them. This Monday was one of the latter.

it all started fine enough. Thing 3 had woken me up 17 Times through the night. Thing 1 came into the bedroom at about 5.30pm, prodded at my eyelids to wake me up to ask if he could have a satsuma and to proudly announce that he'd made himself some juice. Eyes bloodshot and limbs stiff, I dragged myself out of bed and in a somewhat zombified state went through the usual morning routine of getting school uniform ready for Thing 1 and outfits for the two girl things. lunches made and teeth brushed, time for shoes and coats.... and here's where it started to become a bit of a manic Monday .....

' Mum!I can't find my shoes!' (Thing 1)

' Where did you put them when you got in on Friday afternoon?' (Thing mum)

' don't panic mum. I've found one. it's ok, I can hop to school' (Thing 1)

' you are not hopping to school ......' (Thing mum)

Try explaining to a 5 year old that although they May be really good at hopping, they are not hopping for half an hour to school. let alone what the teachers would think if I sent him in to class wearing just one shoe. Trainers swiftly located, unfortunately they were the Spiderman ones, you know, the ones that contain special powers; note to teacher scribbled out on a piece of scrap paper, by a ballpoint struggling to emit any more ink, apologising for the lack of uniform compliant school shoes, promising that I would endeavour to locate the escapee shoe and apologising profusely for the trainers containing superpowers. (superpowers consist of; making Thing 1 run very fast, usually into a wall or fence and resulting in a call to attend school reception to inspect the ensuing damage inflicted upon Thing 1' s person).

Out the door in a hurry as now running late, complete with travel mug of coffee, book bag, lunchbag.... make it to crossing and realise I've no Thing 1. Back to house to collect him, find him busily inspecting the underside of the Sky remote, for no apparent reason and completely oblivious to the fact I'd already left once. set off again, throw coffee over myself in my rush. get to school just before the bell. and breathe........

at this point I remember that I really am running late in getting my tax return done and should really do this soon.

make phone call whilst rushing back home to school governor services (another thing I foolishly volunteered myself for) to change some personal details. the poor woman who answered must have on first thought assumed me to be a dirty caller with all my heavy breathing and panting as I spoke (I really must get fitter).

got home to be greeted by Thing 2 and 3, and all good intentions to complete my tax return disappeared to wherever that elusive school shoe was hiding.

I finally sat down to do my tax return this evening. believe me, it was no easy task. Thing 1 and Thing 2 had gone to bed. Thing 3 was playing that age old game of ' let's close the netbook whilst mum is working on it', I did finally get it done after fishing some of my receipts out of Thing 3' s mouth .... I'm sure she actually ate some, so I've listed her in my expenses. all this whilst watching a programme about vomit on the BBC. I'm glad today is over. I'm going to sleep, before I'm awoken by the nocturnal Thing 3.

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