Tuesday, 29 January 2013

How Thing 3 boogied on down in Asda and how a person can actually turn the colour 'beetroot'

Today I did a really bad thing. As a mum I am horrified to admit it, but I overslept ... By a full half hour! I know, I know, it's obscene! I should've set my alarm, gone to bed earlier, failed to go to bed at all. Alas, I foolishly succumbed to that beast of all - sleep.

So I took advantage, awoke with a start, relaxed as I realised the clock i'd been keeping set to an hour ahead said if was only 8- that'd mean it was only actually 7- but really no it was really actually 8 - things' dad in his well meaning way had changed the clock to the real time.
Get out I bed and that's when I realised the groggy fogginess wasn't just sleep and I am in fact full of a cold- headache, chills, snot, phlegm, The Works. Great
Everything took ten times longer, got to school three minutes after registration In Comparison to some that's probably a good thing.....

So, in my foggy fuzzy snotty state I decided that playgroup for the Thing girls is still the best option .....that way there would be many more eyes on said things than just my bloodshot streaming watery sniffly ones (anyone would think this was man flu!!!) .

Thing 2 took up a tantrum as soon as we arrived, thing 3 took up her solitary guard over the slide, like a sentry meerkat; no one could go up, no one could get down ..... I sat and actually, I remember very little, I may have actually slept a few minutes on that rough church hall carpet.

From playgroup it was a mad dash home to get thing 2 her lunch before school. She wolfed it down and we got to school as they were shutting the gates. Two things inside educational buildings and just one to cope with. Bliss.

We had to head to asda this afternoon. Just for a few bits of sandwich stuff (I've been doing a click and collect main shop so I now begrudge the drudgery of actually walking around the shop). Having just the one Thing did make life easier, that is until we got downstairs.

Asda downstairs at our local store is like the clothes horse techie's dream - there you will discover all the latest fashions and the latest music, film and otherwise in a few square foot.
We were distracted (alas, I'll admit, I was distracted) but I tried to make as swift an exit as possible ... That is until we walked by the CDs.
Somehow we managed to walk underneath a speaker just as it decided to speak out; what would a speaker say if it could talk? 'I'm sexy and I know it' apparently. And at this point Thing 3 actually became rooted to the spot and started some strange jig to the beat. It was like she was in a trance. I tried to move her on but to no avail. The more people passed and cooed over her wiggly dancing, the more she wiggled and seemingly the more her feet became rooted to the spot. I felt myself turn a slight pink and all the shades inbetween full-on beetroot. Believe me, you've never felt more exposed than when you've been stood next to a one year old wiggling away to the beat of 'I'm sexy and I know it' in the middle if Asda. If they bring back torture in the UK, I'm first in line with the perfect suggestion !

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