Sunday, 27 January 2013

How I sympathise with sardines and how a little bit of blu-tack changed the world

Blu tack is really sticky.
Blu tack is really fun.
Blu tack is really good,
For putting things on the wall.

Blu tack is good for throwing .
Blu tack is good,
for sticking things when they're broke.

The End

A poem about blu-tack
by Thing 1, aged 5

This morning I awoke from a nightmare. I dreamt that I was a sardine, tightly packed into a tin full of other sardines ... It was horrid. I would've awoken with a start, jumped a little, but I found I couldn't move, tightly packed into a child's 3/4 size bed with a Thing 1 on one side of me and a Thing 2 & Thing 3 on the other side, a bit of wiggling and strategic elbow movements I managed to wrench myself free and take my first full breath of the morning.
The Things soon followed me out of bed and made the unanimous decision that they were going to play with their Christmas toys, for Thing 2 that was a little wooden dolls house, Thing 3 played with her wooden farm, Thing 1 got out his blu-tack ..... Yes, you did just read that correctly; blu-tack. It goes something like this;

In the run up to our most recent Christmas, Thing 1 was given a couple of catalogues to circle items which he may like from Father Christmas, I'm not saying that this wasn't a success, but having circled practically everything in said catalogues (including a lady-shave and a jewellery box in one catalogue) it still left Things' dad and I unsure of what he may actually want for Christmas. So we then tried the less subtle approach of asking outright what he would like from Santa. He named a few different toys but the two that cropped up over and over were a (large) HotWheels track and a complete set of Octonauts figurines and playsets. As budgets wouldn't stretch to both and with the foresight that his younger Thing siblings would probably have the great idea of playing Godzilla over a HotWheels track we worked on convincing him of the Octonauts stuff.... It worked ..... That is until he was sat there one day in the run up to Christmas and announced; 'for Christmas, I would like blu-tack' - he repeated this request to grandparents and friends at school. When attending his cousin's christening and being asked by a great aunt what he has asked for for Christmas, his innocent response of; 'I've asked for blu-tack, that is what I really really want' had us convinced. Father Christmas would have to make room for a packet of blu-tack on his sleigh.
Christmas morning arrived, presents were opened in a scene resembling lions feasting on a slain antelope and blu-tack was presently discovered; Thing 1 whooped with joy, bounded around like a lunatic, grinned quite literally from ear to ear and tore it from its cardboard packaging... It was an effort to keep him focused on opening any of his other presents, of which there were a few, including a wooden pirate ship, octonauts sets, transformers and more. Since Christmas he has only told people he got blu-tack, he's played with it continually (in fact it is rather less blue and more furry grubby grey) ... Alas, it's kept him happy. I've already bought him a roll of Sellotape for next year .....

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