Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Working out book day and Thing 1 aspires to be a Womble

World book day.... Which clever sausage came up with that one,eh? Don't mention it to me ever again! 

It began like this;
Me: 'let's not be predictable and seuss and Thing based'
Thing 1; but I want to be Thing 1!
Me; how about you be where's Wally?
T1; no 
Me; what about Robin Hood?Aladdin? 
T1; no

So off I trotted, borrowed a fab tiger costume (the tiger who came to tea) and a lion costume (wizard of oz,narnia.... Endless possibilities really) ..... But the answer? no.

I offered to make a Thing wig. I was commissioned for free.

T2 saw the wig and wanted to be the same..... I didn't have enough wool..... Some gentle persuasion and T2 went as the cat in the hat.... T1 was his intended 'Thing' ...... 

Today T1 arrived home to inform me that he is now collecting food wrappers to compare calories, fat etc...... I haven't a clue where this initiative came from..... Apparently he's going to become a Womble.....

Thing 1; what's a Womble?
Me; head against brick wall.... Man, I feel old!!!!!! 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Yes! I've mastered pancake making!

Well, I learnt my lesson from last year's scrambled mess that was pancake day and did NOT buy a ready made mix for the Things..... If you haven't been following for that long, then scroll down the blog, as last years attempt is all accounted in its full gory glory.

This year, I not only went for good old fashioned home made mixture, but I also enlisted Thing dad's culinary expertise in the actual making of the mix.
It was spot on; we got perfectly formed and gorgeously crispy pancakes! 

Thing 3 devoured 3, Thing 1 managed 5 and Thing 2 ate a whopping six pancakes! Phew! I'm glad we had gotten it right this time round!!! 

Roll on next pancake day, I'm ready for you!!!