Friday, 31 May 2013

Cornwall is coming! And Thing mum really should refrain from holiday mode until the final seconds before holiday begins...

I shall admit, I've been fighting off holiday mode for about a week.... Ok, ok... A fortnight..... Right, I can see those knowing looks from those nearest and dearest.... I shall admit it... I will be honest. Lets begin again....

I've been fighting off holiday mode for about a fortnight, somewhere toward the end of January.... The last three month and a half, I've actually been sporadically flitting in and out (rarely out) of holiday mode. I've bored myself in my quite admirable ability to bring all conversations round to the 'C' word (Cornwall!) and now we are in those last couple of days of the countdown.... I'm unbearable... Even to me...

Bags are now almost packed (they have been for almost a month) and I've found that I can fit an awful lot of stuff into my holdall. In fact, I can fit all three Things in my bag and still have space.... Clothing wise, I've filled it to the max and still have excess baggage.... Plus a bag of shoes, a bag of toiletries and a bag of jewellery...
Not to mention the ad hoc add-ons that will inevitably occur as I pack the car.

The Things head off early hours tomorrow, gaining an extra few nights and also a glimpse at the 'safari tent' before we get there! If its dire, we are headed north! 

The Things are decidedly unexcited in comparison to me... I'm sure that when I get them up at about 5am tomorrow morning to get them ready to catch grandparent taxi they'll appear less excited still ... Alas, I only wish I could swap places with them! Things these days.... Don't know their luck!    

P.s. Cornwall.... Watch out! The Things are coming!!!! 


Sunday, 19 May 2013

Bathtime at Thing Central

And I said 'Come on Things, its bath time now!'
 Stupidly, I thought this would be easy somehow. 
 But of course; 'I can't!' pipes up Thing 1, 
'I had a toy motorbike, now its gone!'
 Out into the garden to root through the gravel, 
 I'm wondering, How far did this motorbike travel?! 
He looks in the mud, down the side of the bin, 
Behind the shed, by the pond, and then, he comes in;
 He looks under the table, behind the chair, 
In the kitchen cupboard, it just isn't there.
 I'm about to think it'll never be found,
Then a whoop of joy, a happiness sound. 
'Don't worry, mum! The bike! I've got it!
 It was here, all along, in my trouser pocket!' 

 'Bathtime, Things!' I begin again,
Halfway up the stairs ....and then... 
'I've lost my toy, my cuddly rabbit! 
 Where can it be? I'm sure I just had it!' 
Back down the stairs, a searching Thing 2,
 And down we all follow, what else can we do?
 A search commences, we look high and low,
 Where would a pink bunny be likely to go?
 Search under the table, bum in the air, 
No sign of the toy, it is not under there.
 Then a yell from upstairs; I've found my teddy!
 I forgot I'd put it in bed already. 

 Back up we all traipse, bath bound at last, 
 Another hour has managed to pass.
 We get to the bathroom, soon bubble bath run, 
I turn and I count; Thing 2 and Thing 1. 
Seemingly, now I've lost Thing 3, 
Where has she gone? Where can she be?!
 I look in the bedroom, behind the door, 
I feel as though I can't take much more.
 Back down the stairs, and sat on a chair, 
 A little Thing 3 is brushing her hair,
 Whilst she speaks to the remote like it is a phone, 
I take one look, and audibly groan. 
Pick up the escaped Thing and take her back up, 
Back to the bathroom and plonk in the tub. 

 Now they're all playing, happy with their lot.
 And do i look forward to this again? I do not

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Spring fun day and horse-cows

Today, I visited nursery with Thing 2, for a spring fun day open afternoon. She was exceptionally giddy to have me in school.

We stuck lots of shiny bits onto a picture of The Rainbow fish. Then I was dragged outside by a hyper Thing, who showed me the sandpit, the flowers, the willow tunnel, the tyres; bouncing from one to the next like a pinball.
We were then to go into the forest school, first to go on a bear hunt (seeking out cuddly bears) and then finding items from a list and placing them in an envelope; dandelions, pine cones, feathers, daisies, leaves and much more. Thing 2's attention stopped at the words; feathers and pine cones. We ended up with an envelope just of these items.... Lots of these items; which we were then lucky enough to get to take home! (Yes, I said that through gritted teeth!)

Upon our return to the classroom, we ogled the tadpoles and then made puppies from the playdough (quite actually the most amazing playdough EVER! - it was full of glitter and smelt of mints! I'm amazed Thing 2 hadn't tried to eat it..... I'm amazed that I didn't try to eat it!).

Thing 2 was eager to get on with tidy up time and so decided, once she'd finished with the playdough, then she would begin tidying stuff away.... Even if someone was still playing with it.... Because that's how tidy Things roll!

We got to leave early, although we didn't take Thing 1 early as he had an after school club to go to. So me and Thing 2 had a nice stroll home together. thing 2's day was quite possibly made awesome when she spotted a 'horse-cow' in a field we were passing. Oh how pleased she was.

And, an improvement on last time we attended an activity day at nursery.... We didn't come home with any items that should've remained at school! Result!